Stomach Cancer Surgery

Stomach cancer surgery

Most people think of stomach cancer as a disease that affects the digestive system, but it can actually occur anywhere in the body. That’s why it’s important to know the warning signs and get checked out if they occur. Stomach cancer is highly treatable if caught early and with treatment most people survive. Cancer can occur anywhere in the stomach but is most common in the middle and lower stomach. The most common treatment for stomach cancer is surgery and there are many types of surgery that can be used.

Stomach cancer is the most common type of cancer, with over 1 million new cases diagnosed each year. Despite the risk of complications in gastric cancer, survival rates are high.

How Does Stomach Cancer Surgery Work?

Surgery serves two main purposes in treating stomach cancer. These are for the treatment of stomach cancer and to improve the patient’s quality of life by treating digestive disorders such as cancer related eating disorder, vomiting and bleeding. For this purpose, both the complete removal of the stomach called total gastrectomy and the removal of a part of the stomach called partial gastrectomy can be applied. During the operation, cancerous stomach tissue and surrounding lymph nodes are also removed. The duration of the operation can take 2-5 hours depending on the difficulty of the procedure, the patient and other additional factors

Since part or all of the stomach is removed during surgery, patients should be fed smaller portions frequently. Light meals that are high in protein and low in carbohydrates can help patients feel better after a meal. Adjusting to a new way of eating after stomach surgery can take time and patience. It may be helpful to know that bothersome symptoms such as abdominal cramps and pain usually get better or better over time. Many patients return to their normal or near-normal eating habits one year after surgery during the recovery period after gastric cancer surgery.

Stomach cancer may not cause any symptoms in the early stages. The first noticeable symptoms of stomach cancer are indigestion and bloating. Aversion to meaty foods is also among the symptoms of stomach cancer. In the advanced stages of stomach cancer; abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, bloating after eating, weight loss are seen.

Early diagnosis of gastric cancer is very important for successful treatment. For this reason it is very important to follow up people who have stomach problems with endoscopy under the supervision of medical specialists in the first period. With the application of endoscopy, the doctor can observe the esophagus, stomach and the first parts of the small intestine with a long tube with an illuminated camera. If there are any parts that look abnormal, a biopsy is done for a definitive diagnosis. With the appropriate use of endoscopy, it is possible to contract the disease at an early stage. In addition to endoscopy, contrast radiographs and computed tomography are other important diagnostic methods that provide the diagnosis of gastric cancer.